Source code for

import random
import time

from p3exporter.collector import CollectorConfig
from prometheus_client.core import GaugeMetricFamily

[docs]class MyCollector(object): """A sample collector. It does not really do much. It only runs a method and return the time it runs as a gauge metric. """ def __init__(self, config: CollectorConfig): """Instanciate a MyCollector object.""" pass
[docs] def collect(self): """Collect the metrics.""" self.timer = time.perf_counter() _run_process() runtime = time.perf_counter() - self.timer yield GaugeMetricFamily('my_process_runtime', 'Time a process runs in seconds', value=runtime)
def _run_process(): """Sample function to ran a command for metrics.""" time.sleep(random.random()) # nosec